#46 ID Badges
Aug 12th, 2009 by pfi
Accountants collect ID badges like kids in the late ’90s collected pogs.
An ID badge is typically a card with the accountant’s photo and name on it. This allows access to facilities and parking around the clock.
It’s common for senior accountants to have a deck of ID badges dangling off a retractable clip. Depending how accountants look at it, these badges can represent street credibility. Or these badges can represent the fact that they are on call 7 days a week to work at many locations.
When the ID badges provide an accountant with street cred, ID badges are a form of accountant bling. They can hang around the neck or dangle from the belt like keys.
One phenomenon with accountant ID badges is that the first badge tends to contain a cheerful portrait. This first photo akin to a naive teenager eager to pose for their yearbook. As years go by, the photos taken on badges tend to portray accountants that are sleep deprived, miserable, and fast-aging.
Besides showing that an accountant is welcome at a company, ID badges also tend to confer perks. As mentioned, these perks include free parking, cafeteria access, and clearance for restricted areas.
Accountants tend to be reluctant to give up ID badges they’ve received. These represent battles fought and won on past assignments.
If you see an accountant with many ID badges, you should compliment them and act surprised that they have such an impressive collection. It’s especially endearing for an accountant when someone asks them about a well recognized company that they have access to.
It’s like you see into my soul.
It’s good to see some more updates coming though now, keep it up!
As an intern I had four ID badges, which definitly made me tops out of all the interns. ha
this blog is too funny! as a former Deloitte employee (tax accountant), i relate to the office badge collection…still have them too!
enjoy ‘busy season’!
This site really hits home. When are you going to add more things accountants like? More, more! I’ll even trade my badge collection.