About this site
This website is about Stuff That Accountants Like.
It is published using WordPress with the Misty Look theme.
Note that this site was inspired by StuffWhitePeopleLike.com, and we are huge fans of Christian Lander’s work. Thus, these sites are not affiliated.
About the Author(s)
The author(s) of this site have come from a Big4 public accounting background and don’t really understand the term “work/life balance.”
Feel free to contact us at stuffaccountantslike [at] gmail.com
making lame accountant jokes, while acting like you know it’s a lame accountant joke and are telling it to be ironically funny, but actually really thinking that it’s a funny joke.
You need to post an article on the legendary phrase used by all auditors “appears reasonable, pass further investigation”….
What about the twitching eyes around April 15th? Maybe Im the only one.
I’ll have to agree with the budget. It’s just funny that the firm’s policy is report all of your time but if you do, you get crap from the manager or partner. Or better yet, being told that “X” needs to get completed but you only have 3 hours to do so (even though it’s 20 hours worth of work).
I could smoke any of you in a footing contest.
where’s the crackberry blog?!?! and while i’m at it, does anyone here know where i can get a free tax tables app and/or IRC for my curve?
#38 Rubber Band wars
I agree with Monica; those big rubber bands used to wrap around holding files make a weapon perfect for hitting coworkers across the office. I’ve even seen partners hitting staff with them occasionally…
How about PAs? (Paper assholes). Does anyone else on the planet use these things? How many of you have received a nasty review note because you put the work papers in the file in landscape and didn’t use PAs?
Connie: The Sharp Compet QS-2130! I’m looking at mine right now, which I stole from the firm when I left. I couldn’t imagine using any other 10-key. The consultants at my new firm covet my Compet when they have to foot (slowly) on their crappy 10-key.
How about the client?
The whole “they didn’t ask for this last year” or “I’ve been doing this for 20 years and I’ve never done that”. Ummm…. last year’s auditors were incompetent?? Oh sh*t, it was us? Must have been immaterial last year…. (see immaterial post)
And I agree with the post at #28. Everyone tries to sympathyze with “Yeah, it’s tax season – I bet your busy.” Just smile and nod…
My best one is when a client turns around to you and says “well i used to be an auditor and this is how i would have done it” thats when i know its time to tune out.
when will they do one about how we love alcohol?
write somethin about when the staff goes to lunch & orders drinks, then some partners just happen to have lunch at the same spot, and decide to “run it through” for the staff, and sees several “jack & cokes” on the bill?!?!
or during busy season when we get a meal allowance for working over 10 hrs in a day, and use it for alcohol???
I can’t wait…
oh yeah, and what about National Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day????
Cans of compressed air keyboard cleaners
What about email signatures? It takes lots of trial-and-error to get the name/title just right to impress all who receive your emails. Do you include the phone number, what about the fax number? Is your email address obvious enough or should you use larger font? Email accounts in general take at least a week to get right (font, color, etc.) My current font of choice, Calibri size 11.
I really do love budgets. and color coding. and adding machines. anything that does my work for me gets two thumbs up.
I LOVE your blog!!! I was previously in public accounting for 5 years before going into industry. My co-workers and I used to forward your blog around the floors and to other tax peeps….and laugh our a@#$es off. It was great because the sad truth is that it’s all TRUE!!! You guys are so creative – it’s refreshing……tax peeps get such a bad wrap as “boring”. Keep up the good work. XXOO’s!
Random number generators. Mmmm…random. 🙂
5-hour energy!
1. Going to the bath room for 20 minutes everyday to take a nap.
2. Surfing Auditnet.org to copy an audit program you were assigned to draft.
3. Draft report because you can never get it right the first time.
4. Scanning – Paisley was suppose to make documentation easier, now it take twice the time documenting, scanning, writing in color with adobe and importing.
5. ACL – only nerds use this tool .
Your site is effin’ hilarious. I like you.
Yup, just started freshmen year in college and you guys are making accounting sound really depressing. I don’t think i want to major in it any more lmao.
Why has no one mentioned mechanical pencils? Am I the only pencil freak? In particular, the Pentel Kerry of which I have accumulated an irrational abundance, not mention a stock pile of lead and erasers.
The moment when you complete a spreadsheet and run a check figure, and see no variances. It is the most glorious feeling knowing that it all tied out.